The impact of cultural diversity on urban housing prices in China

Yun Zhuang, Wenwen Wang

Article ID: 1928
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2022
Received: 19 September 2022; Accepted: 1 December 2022; Available online: 30 December 2022;
Issue release: 31 December 2022

VIEWS - 3539 (Abstract)

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Using the commercial housing price data of 254 cities at prefecture level and above in China, this paper measures the cultural diversity by the diversity of Chinese dialects, and studies the impact of regional culture represented by dialects on urban housing prices. The research shows that after controlling the economic development level of the city, the urban ecological environment and other factors, the cultural diversity measured by dialect types has a significant negative impact on the price of urban commercial housing, that is, the more diverse the culture, the lower the house price, and the cultural diversity will restrain the house price by hindering the inflow of local population.


Chinese cities; housing price; cultural diversity; dialect types


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