URBAN immigrant diversity and entrepreneurial choice

Lingzheng Yu, Shiyan Lou, Jiannan Wang, Xiahai Wei

Article ID: 1685
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2022

VIEWS - 58 (Abstract)


Based on the national dynamic monitoring data of floating population, this paper investigates the impact mechanism and effect of immigrant diversity on entrepreneurial choice. The study found that the diversity of immigrants will significantly reduce the probability of individual entrepreneurship. The mechanism is that entrepreneurship itself is a relatively open process. In a complex and diverse city, the interpersonal psychological distance is widened and there is a lack of mutual trust and social identity, so entrepreneurship is significantly restrained In addition, this paper finds that compared with self-employed, entrepreneurs in the form of enterprise employers can benefit from diversity, which indicates that diversity promotes "Schumpeter" entrepreneurship; The impact of diversity will also vary according to educational skills and regional differences This paper empirically reveals the impact of diversity on Immigrant Entrepreneurship decision-making, which can provide profound Policy Enlightenment under the background of "Mobile China"


Immigrant diversity; Entrepreneurship selection; Wage earners

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