Cultural diversity, entrepreneurship and urban trade competitiveness—Empirical evidence of urban panel data in China

Jiayue Liu, Ying Hu

Article ID: 1683
Vol 2, Issue 1, 2021
Received: 12 June 2021; Accepted: 3 July 2021; Available online: 10 August 2021; Issue release: 31 December 2021

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Based on the reality of large-scale population mobility brought about by China's urbanization, using the panel data of 268 cities in China in 2012 and 2018, this paper constructs urban cultural diversity indicators from the perspective of labor source, and studies the impact of cultural diversity on urban trade competitiveness and its mechanism Research findings: Cultural diversity and urban trade competitiveness show an inverted "U" relationship The impact of cultural diversity on the trade competitiveness of different cities is different. The administrative level of the city and whether the city is coastal will affect the effect of cultural diversity on the city's trade competitiveness Entrepreneurship is an intermediary variable between cultural diversity and urban trade competitiveness. Specifically, it affects urban trade competitiveness through two channels: entrepreneurial innovation and entrepreneurial entrepreneurship The above results have brought important enlightenment to the interpretation of the relationship between cultural diversity and urban trade competitiveness


Cultural diversity; Entrepreneurship; Urban trade competitiveness


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