OLD city space from the perspective of multi community — Take a floating population community in H city as an example

Yunhong Gao, Haijie Yin

Article ID: 1676
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2022

VIEWS - 55 (Abstract)


Taking the specific practice of an old city space as an example, this paper distinguishes the positions and practices of three actors in the space: Urban planners, managers and ordinary citizens hold an extreme modernist position, firmly believing that the old urban space needs to be removed and transformed into a new urban order; Citizens living in the old city space hold a more complex and contradictory position. As the bottom group of the city, they pay attention to the exchange value of community space, but it is difficult to change their living conditions, while maintaining the exclusion of the old city space and the floating population; The floating population builds the old urban space into a space for production and life, making it a "settled community" entering the city. Finally, the diverse position and practice of the old city space show its significance of urbanization and its important role in the construction of urban diversity.


Extreme modernism; Social space; Multi community; Settled community; Urban diversity

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