Financial literacy, financial inclusion, and food security: A comparative analysis of green and blue economy in the poorest region of Luzon, Philippines

Ma. Isabel B. Tivera, Ludy Ann C. Cortezano, Joshua Z. Martinez, Redgie P. Ortiz, Kevin S. Trilles, Emmanuel A. Onsay

Article ID: 3237
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2025
Received: 22 January 2025; Accepted: 25 February 2025; Available online: 27 February 2025; Issue release: 28 February 2025

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The study aims to analyze the differences and influences of financial literacy and financial inclusion on food security in the green and blue economies of San Jose, Camarines Sur, located within the poorest region of Luzon, Philippines. The research also seeks to determine the levels of financial literacy, inclusion, and food security among specific members of each economy, namely rice farmers in the green economy and fisherfolk in the blue economy. This study employs a causal-comparative research design utilizing weighted mean, Kruskal-Walli’s test, and multivariate linear regression to assess the levels, variances, and impacts of financial literacy, inclusion, and food security. The findings indicate that both the green and blue economies exhibit low levels of financial literacy, as individuals struggle to apply their knowledge and skills to their attitudes and behaviors. Furthermore, given that many rice farmers and a majority of fisherfolk reside in remote areas away from urban centers, they encounter challenges in accessing and effectively utilizing financial services and products. Additionally, due to their informal income status, they experience transient food insecurity. The study highlights a significant difference in financial literacy, particularly in terms of behavior and attitude, attributed to variations in income patterns. Disparities in financial inclusion are observed concerning access, usage, quality, and well-being, stemming from geographical and systemic obstacles such as the coastal isolation of the blue economy and institutional barriers faced by both groups. The research concludes that financial literacy and financial inclusion play significant roles in influencing food security, with their effects varying across specific dimensions of each variable.


financial literacy; financial inclusion; food security; green and blue economy


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