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Asia Pacific Academy of Science Pte. Ltd. (APACSCI) specializes in international journal publishing. APACSCI adopts the open access publishing model and provides an important communication bridge for academic groups whose interest fields include engineering, technology, medicine, computer, mathematics, agriculture and forestry, and environment.
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Today, the best way to discern the interlinkages between climate change and sustainability and/or sustainable development is the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13—Climate Action framework. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted in 2015 presents a shared blueprint for the peace and prosperity of humanity and the planet both now and in the future. At its core lies the 17 SDGs covering the 169 targets by constituting calls for urgent action in global partnership among developed and developing nations. Within this scope, countries acknowledge the imperative need to engage in strategies that simultaneously eradicate poverty and other deprivations, combat climate change, safeguard oceans, forests, and biodiversity, improve health and education, reduce inequality, and promote sustainable and climate-resilient economic growth. This article will briefly evaluate the various geographical, environmental, educational, and social dimensions of sustainable and climate-resilient socioeconomic development, considering the nexus between combating climate change and adaptation to climate change, as well as the adverse effects of climate change.

Prof. Kittisak Jermsittiparsert
University of City Island, Cyprus
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News & Announcements
New Editorial Board Member: Dr. Jiabo Yin
We are pleased to invite Dr. Jiabo Yin to join the Editorial Board of the journal Sustainable Social Development (eISSN: 2972-4880). This is the second year that Sustainable Social Development has been published. We are confident that the contribution of Dr. Jiabo Yin to the journal will bring new vigor to the study of sustainable development in earth science-related fields.
Volume 2 Issue 1, 2024 is live
The full issue of Volume 2, Issue 1, 2024 is now available online at here! We are pleased to invite our editorial board member Prof. Francesca Latino to write an editorial on this issue. We sincerely welcome researchers working on sustainable development research to read this issue and draw inspiration from its findings.
Research news: A survey of sustainable development of intelligent transportation system based on urban travel demand
In Volume 2, Issue 1 of this journal, we published an article entitled “A survey of sustainable development of intelligent transportation system based on urban travel demand”, which is authored by Hongyu Yan and Zhiqiang Lv from Qingdao University, China.