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Agricultural extension in Turkey within the framework of central and local governments
Vol 2, Issue 6, 2024
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Agricultural extension and communication is a system that has been subject to very different management by many different institutions in Turkey. In this study, the issue was examined as the period when it was evaluated by local governments with village institutes and the years when it was handled by the central authority. Afterwards, the organizations responsible for agricultural extension today were specified, and their effectiveness was investigated with other studies conducted for the producer. It has been found that the period before 1960, when the desire for enlightenment of the rural area, the belief that one could make a living from agriculture and animal husbandry, and the government policies were based on agriculture, was the brightest period of agricultural extension. It has been determined through secondary data that the effectiveness of the central government’s ministries, cooperatives, producer organizations, and private sector extension system is limited, insufficient to solve problems onsite and on time, or cannot be spread throughout Turkey. The aim of the study is to examine agricultural extension within the framework of rural area policies of governments in Turkey.
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Prof. Kittisak Jermsittiparsert
University of City Island, Cyprus

Title: Economic Sustainability and Innovation
Deadline: June 30, 2025.