FIKR (Facet, Insight, Knowledge, and Resilience) personality profile for employee development: Literature emphasizes personality characteristic evaluation

Chee Kong Yap, Chee Seng Leow, Wing Sum Vincent Leong

Article ID: 2719
Vol 2, Issue 3, 2024
Received: 11 May 2024; Accepted: 14 June 2024; Available online: 25 June 2024;
Issue release: 30 June 2024

VIEWS - 3454 (Abstract)

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This short note aims to review all the available literature using the keywords ‘Employee Development’ in the Scopus database and identify the personality traits that are supported by the FIKR (Facet, Insight, Knowledge, and Resilience) personality profiling assessment. Our research on 21 May 2024 involved a comprehensive search using the Scopus database and the keywords ‘Employee Development’ in the article title. We meticulously analyzed the bibliometric data using VOSviewer, a tool that generates clear graphical representations of bibliometric maps, to ensure the comprehensiveness and accuracy of our findings. This rigorous approach enhances the credibility of our research. A total of 1366 papers were reached using the Scopus database search, which had high relevancy. Based on the visualization of the paper network confirming the main research themes, from 1932 to 2024, there were 115 items, separating into six clusters. In the first cluster, ‘Knowledge Management’ was found. Interestingly, the only personality trait highlighted was ‘self-concept’ in the second cluster. Therefore, the present study highlights knowledge as an important FIKR personality profiling assessment. At the same time, ‘self-conceptual,’ one of the 20 PTs in the Humanology FIKR personality profiling inventory, is well-supported in the literature on employee development in an organization. The literature review provides a rationale for supporting and highlighting the use of knowledge and self-conceptual traits, among other things, under the FIKR personality profiling assessment in an organization’s employee development.


assessment; personal trait; employee development


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