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Developing a model for digital adoption in family business: A proposed research framework
Vol 2, Issue 3, 2024
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Digital technology is becoming more and more popular very quickly. This is changing every part of the business and having a big effect on how it works. Unfortunately, no business can avoid the effects, problems, and chances that come with digital change. Companies are also forced to change how they do things. Given this context, numerous organizations are unprepared to transform. There are no exceptions made for the family business. The family business is anticipated to embrace digitalization as a widely popular business technique in many locations globally. Its participation in the digital economy is still very important. Unfortunately, there are not many studies on how digital technology is used in family business. When compared to other types of businesses in general, the family business is distinguished by several distinctive qualities that set it apart from other types of enterprises. Consequently, there exists a tension between the perceived gradual nature of change in family businesses and the swift pace of digitalization. This discrepancy highlights the urgent need for further exploration into the integration of digital technology within the context of family businesses, as well as the development of strategies to support their successful digital transformation amidst these distinctive organizational dynamics. This research aims to identify the crucial aspects that contribute to the successful implementation of digitalization in the family business. The adopted research method for this study involves conducting a comprehensive literature review. This approach entails systematically reviewing and analyzing existing academic and industry literature on the utilization of digital technology in family businesses. This study proposes a research design to investigate the use of digital technologies in family businesses. The study also presents a suggested mixed-method approach, combining qualitative and quantitative methods and propositions.
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Prof. Kittisak Jermsittiparsert
University of City Island, Cyprus

Title: Economic Sustainability and Innovation
Deadline: June 30, 2025.