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Troubled waters? The disproportionate impact of lead water pollution: Evidence from three American communities
Vol 2, Issue 3, 2024
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Although water is considered essential to life and an important natural resource, disadvantaged communities, such as low-income and minority communities, are disproportionately burdened by lead exposure in drinking water. In this paper, we highlight case studies that have received national press coverage as well as recent examples of community lead poisoning hazards that are still ongoing across various regions of the US. We show through these three case studies of Flint, Michigan, Washington, D.C., and Birmingham, Alabama, that the severity and frequency of this pervasive public health problem are highly concentrated in minority and low-income populations, and thus they bear the brunt of the socio-economic impacts. We identify the use of sensors to improve detection of hazardous materials and decrease inequities in drinking water contamination. To address water-related equity issues, we call for a sustainable community capacity approach that consists of shared governance between those who live in a community and stakeholders, such as businesses and health services, who have vested interests in it. We conclude by highlighting ways that a community could build collective social capital, safeguarding its environment from lead poisoning through health literacy education. Promoting water literacy is highly significant since water knowledge is crucial towards achieving water sustainability and equity.
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Prof. Kittisak Jermsittiparsert
University of City Island, Cyprus

Title: Economic Sustainability and Innovation
Deadline: June 30, 2025.