Education for sustainable development in art, science, technology, and the environment: Is there a methodological proposal for school and higher education?

Diego Bernaschina

Article ID: 2433
Vol 2, Issue 2, 2024
Received: 18 March 2024; Accepted: 10 April 2024; Available online: 22 April 2024; Issue release: 30 April 2024

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This article aims to examine the relationship between art, science, technology, and the environment to transform the vitality of developing methodological strategies through education for sustainable development. The main goal is to generate a greater importance of a new demand through the selective didactic proposal in different educational systems, both for school education and for higher education. The new methodological foundations for rethinking and reviewing the knowledge of educational research through documentary study and sustainability in the general educational system. This model of sustainable development in education—schooling and higher education—involves actions and activities based on the concept of sustainable development. There is a new search for different modalities and educational subjects for sustainable development. The new methodological orientation in both educational systems makes it possible to create teaching tools that address sustainability, tolerance, and self-care responsibility toward the future of climate change.


school education; higher education; art; science; technology; environmental; sustainability; holistic approach


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