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Energy poverty in Brazil: A systematic analysis
Vol 2, Issue 1, 2024
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The utilization of firewood for cooking in approximately 13 million Brazilian households in 2022 raises pressing concerns regarding its multifaceted impact on key development indicators. This impact stems from the profound connection between access to modern energy sources and fundamental rights, including education, health, housing, and leisure. Despite Brazil’s remarkable diversity in its energy matrix, the equitable distribution of this essential resource remains a persistent and significant challenge. To construct the present work, it was undertaking a systematic review of the technical literature, uncovering a stark disparity in energy access closely correlated with income levels. This inequality in energy access underscores the urgent need for comprehensive analysis and intervention. The present work endeavors to delve deeper into this complex issue, aiming to illuminate the profound implications of both broad energy access and the consequences of energy deprivation on individual well-being and broader socio-economic dynamics. Also, this work aims to provide a holistic understanding of the challenges faced by communities with limited access to modern energy sources and, concurrently, the opportunities and improvements that can be brought about through enhanced energy accessibility. In addition, this study seeks to identify and evaluate potential solutions to address this critical issue. This work is driven by the recognition that equitable energy distribution is not only a matter of environmental sustainability but also a fundamental human right, pivotal to social and economic progress.
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Prof. Kittisak Jermsittiparsert
University of City Island, Cyprus

Title: Economic Sustainability and Innovation
Deadline: June 30, 2025.