Geotechnical solutions for urban centers: Bridging engineering innovations with socio-economic development

Ali Akbar Firoozi, Ali Asghar Firoozi

Article ID: 2314
Vol 1, Issue 3, 2023
Received: 22 September 2023; Accepted: 16 November 2023; Available online: 14 December 2023; Issue release: 31 December 2023

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In the face of mounting geotechnical challenges within urban centers worldwide, the significance of engineering solutions extends beyond the immediate resolution of these issues to act as catalysts for socio-economic development. This paper examines specific geotechnical problems, such as soil instability and the underutilization of urban green spaces, and their direct impact on community health, safety, and the quality of urban life. With a focus on diverse international case studies, the research clarifies the reciprocal influence between geotechnical innovation and socio-economic advancements. It advocates for the integration of geotechnical practices into the broader scope of urban planning, detailing how cities can leverage these practices for sustainable growth and enhanced community well-being.


geotechnical engineering; urban development; socio-economic growth; sustainable solutions; infrastructure; urban challenges; green spaces; seismic activities


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