The analysis of lean and agile supply chain strategy on environmental performance with mediating of supply chain responsiveness: Evidence from manufacturing industries in Malaysia

Istimaroh Istimaroh, Idham Cholid, Bambang Setiaji, Noor Aslinda Abu Seman

Article ID: 2265
Vol 1, Issue 3, 2023
Received: 2 August 2023; Accepted: 1 December 2023; Available online: 15 December 2023;
Issue release: 31 December 2023

VIEWS - 6644 (Abstract)

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Environmental concerns have garnered increasing global attention, prompting discussions on how to integrate these issues into business operations and strategies. While lean supply chain strategy (LSC) and agile supply chain strategy (ASC) are recognized for their environmental benefits to organizations, the impact of LSC and ASC on the environmental performance of firms remains relatively unexplored. This study aims to analyze the influence of LSC and ASC within various functional areas of manufacturing firms on their environmental performance. To gather data, a quantitative survey methodology was employed, involving 299 manufacturing firms in Malaysia. Out of the collected responses, 231 were deemed usable for analysis. The survey results reveal that lean supply chain strategy and agile supply chain strategy positively affect environmental performance. Moreover, supply chain responsiveness (SCR) partially mediates the relationship between LSC and ASC on environmental performance. This study contributes to the existing literature and practices in supply chain management strategy and sustainable performance in manufacturing industries.


lean supply chain strategy; agile supply chain strategy; supply chain responsiveness; environmental performance


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