Wireless vibrotactile wireless optical device for motor activity assistance motor activities

Jonathan Roberto Torres Castillo, Juan Salvador Pérez Lomelí, Esperanza Camargo Casallas, Miguel Ángel Padilla Castañeda

Article ID: 1773
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54517/wt.v3i1.1773

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This article describes the research that leads to the development of a wireless optical device capable of generating vibrotactile mechanical stimuli at different points on the skin and at desired frequencies by means of sixteen actuators contained in a portable bracelet designed for any extremity of the human body. This prototype allows control over each actuator used as a stimulation point, actuated independently by wirelessly transmitted commands to a rechargeable stand-alone control system in the bracelet. Usability tests were carried out, with respect to tactile perception, which proved the correct functioning of the device. In perspective, the development, after a variety of validation tests with a large sample of patients with and without neuropathy, aims at creating a database to be used as set point values in front of these patients with the expectation that the system will also be used in patients with movement deficits, and employing tactile perception as a psychomotor stimulant in the execution of motor activities.


motion deficit; tactile perception; tactile feedback


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Copyright (c) 2022 Jonathan Roberto Torres Castillo, Juan Salvador Pérez Lomelí, Esperanza Camargo Casallas, Miguel Ángel Padilla Castañeda

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