Application of embedded accident prevention system for infant crawling stage in intelligent textiles

I. J. Chico-Morales, S. K. Narváez-Pupiales, A. C. Umaquinga-Criollo, P. D. Rosero-Montalvo

Article ID: 1662
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2022

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Infant crawling is a method to discover and learn its motor, cognitive, social and emotional functions. Therefore, infants face different risks, such as falls, burns and personal injuries. The most common is that the family is the place where the main event occurs. Therefore, the focus of this research is to develop the embedded system inside the intelligent textile to realize the early warning and prevention of accidents. The system is located in a clothing harness with a crawling knee pad connection including a magnetic sensor. These devices are responsible for detecting security tapes previously placed in the most dangerous location in the home. Therefore, the system gives an alarm with a response time of 7.6 seconds after activation.


intelligent textile; magnetic sensor; Internet of Things; infant accidents; Arduino


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