Gender approach in cardiac rehabilitation

Varinia Montero-Vega, Rolando Carbonell-Riera

Article ID: 2115
Vol 3, Issue 2, 2022
VIEWS - 285 (Abstract)


Introduction: cardiovascular disease in women is underestimated as a health problem. Among the therapeutic options is cardiac rehabilitation, which contributes to the reduction of morbimortality and hospitalization in both genders. Objective: to evaluate the initial behavior and results of a cardiac rehabilitation program in patients attended in the Cardiac Rehabilitation department of the Cardiology service of the General Teaching Hospital "Dr. Agostinho Neto", Guantánamo, during the period 2015–2019. Method: a descriptive, prospective and longitudinal study was carried out. The universe was constituted by 667 patients incorporated to the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program. Risk factors, ergometric parameters given by exercise time, heart rate, blood pressure and functional class were studied. A rehabilitation program was applied that included physical-aerobic and resistance exercises, ergometric tests and serum lipids at the beginning and at 6 months. Results: there is a different risk profile between both genders, obesity is the most prevalent risk factor in the female gender (62.9%) and active smoking in the male gender (78.0%). The improvement of physical capacity was greater in men than in women. The parameters used to improve women's participation and adherence to the program are presented. Conclusions: women have great barriers for incorporation to cardiac rehabilitation programs. It is necessary to provide them with information on the benefits to improve access and permanence in the program.


cardiac rehabilitation; cardiovascular disease; gender

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