Diabetes and cardiovascular disease

Carlos Guamán, William Acosta, Carla Alvarez4, Benhard Hasbum

Article ID: 1918
Vol 4, Issue 2, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54517/ccr.v4i2.1918
VIEWS - 1835 (Abstract)


Diabetes mellitus is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. This group of patients generally represents a population at high or very high cardiovascular risk, which is why early risk stratification is performed, seeking to focus objectively on the pharmacological and nonpharmacological approach with an intensive strategy. Cardiovascular disease represents the main cause of mortality, but in recent years there have been advances in therapeutics that have been shown to reduce major cardiovascular events. This article reviews the interaction between diabetes, cardiovascular disease and its treatment.


diabetes mellitus; cardiovascular diseases; hypertension; myocardial ischemia; heart failure; cardiac arrhythmias

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