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Cardiovascular risk in an adolescent population of Timbío, Colombia
Vol 2, Issue 1, 2021
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Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases are among the leading causes of death worldwide and the scientific evidence suggests that they have an origin at early ages, so reducing from adolescence the risks that contribute to their appearance is indispensable. Objective: To determine cardiovascular risk in the adolescent population of an educational institution in Timbío, Cauca, 2015 - 2016. Methodology: Quantitative, descriptive, observational and cross-sectional study. Sample: 100 students (47 females, 53 males), aged 10 to 19 years. Sociodemographic, anthropometric, biological, biochemical (glycemia), personal and family history, lifestyles and oral contraceptive use variables were evaluated. Results: A higher prevalence of cardiovascular risk was found in the adolescent age group (15-18 years) with 84.6%; the female gender presented a greater possibility of having cardiovascular risk (OR: 2.8, 95% CI 1.17 - 6.87); 7% reported regular tobacco use and 12% were passive smokers. The presence of unhealthy eating habits generated a higher cardiovascular risk (OR: 5.57, 95% CI 1.95-15.90). 67% (n= 67) have cardiovascular risk. Conclusions: Female gender, adolescent group (15-18 years), consumption of alcoholic beverages and unhealthy eating habits are associated with a higher possibility of having cardiovascular risk. Cardiovascular risk was found in a large percentage of the study population.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Torres A Clara, Illera Diego, Acevedo B Darly, Cadena M Mayra, Meneses M Luis C, Ordoñez H Paola A, Pantoja A Lizeth N, Pastás C Marcela
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Prof. Prakash Deedwania
University of California,
San Francisco, United States