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The research progress of microparticles (extracellular vesicles) in the field of cardiovascular surgery
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2020
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Circulating particles (extracellular vesicles) have the function of transmitting information between cells in biological processes such as vascular regulation, inflammation, coagulation, cell proliferation and apoptosis. It contains complex and diverse components, which are closely related to the occurrence and development of cardiovascular diseases. In the future, circulating particles (extracellular vesicles) can be used as clinical markers to reflect coagulation function, inflammatory reaction, tissue and organ damage, or as clinical treatment targets to regulate vascular homeostasis, correct coagulation, improve internal environment, and protect tissue and organ function, which has important research significance. In this paper, we summarize the relevant research progress of circulating particles (extracellular vesicles) in the field of cardiovascular surgery, and discuss the role of circulating particles (extracellular vesicles) in the process of related diseases, as well as its research and application prospects in the diagnosis and treatment of related diseases.
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Prof. Prakash Deedwania
University of California,
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