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Chemical sensors: From fundamentals to the future—A review
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2024
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Chemical sensors bridge the gap between the chemical and electrical/optical domains, offering a powerful tool for analyzing our environment. These ingenious devices, with detection limits reaching parts-per-billion (ppb) for some analytes, rely on interactions between a specific material and the target molecule. This interaction, which can involve changes in electrical current, light emission, or mass, is translated into a measurable signal. This review delves into the core working principles of various sensor types, highlighting their diverse applications. From environmental monitoring (tracking air and water pollutants at concentrations as low as 10 ppb) to medical diagnostics (detecting biomarkers for early disease identification), chemical sensors play a crucial role in shaping a safer and healthier future. Recent advancements, such as miniaturization and integration with nanomaterials, promise even greater sensitivity, portability, and affordability, paving the way for a new era of sensor-driven innovation. This review article explores these advancements and their potential impact on various fields, inspiring further development and exploration of this transformative technology.
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Prof. Sivanesan Subramanian
Anna University, India

Prof. Pascal Lorenz
University of Haute Alsace, France