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Issue release: 30 June 2025
The quality and safety indicators of a new type of multigrain bread using freshly obtained rye malt were studied. Hydrogen peroxide as a safe prooxidation activator and aqueous phytoextracts as natural antioxidants were used for the bioactivation of grain. The choice of phytoextract was made by comparing the antioxidant properties of thyme and oregano obtained with warm (60 ℃) or hot (80 ℃) extraction. The rate of accumulation of organic acids and reducing substances was maximum during malting under the influence of thyme extract (80 ℃). Oregano extracts were used to make rye-textured flour. The paper describes a new method for producing emulsified malt, known as “rye cream”. Unlike other methods, it is proposed to use not dried malt, but freshly obtained rye malt extract. This made it possible to form the adaptogenic properties of the food system, which was evident from the results of the antioxidant activity assessment. This assessment was carried out at different stages of the bread production process. It was shown that at the stage of rye cream production, the oxidation-reduction balance of the food system was shifted towards prooxidants, so the use of phytoextracts with antioxidant properties was necessary. At the dough production stage, the balance changed in the opposite direction, and antioxidants began to dominate the food system as functional nutritional components. Multigrain bread had antioxidant activity twice as high as the standard (Borodinsky bread) and had better characteristics compared to two analogues. Under the influence of multigrain bread, the production of free radicals was inhibited more gently than under the influence of rye bread “BIO”. Another analogue, Fitness bread, had the properties of a strong prooxidant, not an antioxidant. According to the results of an objective assessment in independent laboratories, multigrain bread with rye cream met regulatory requirements for quality and safety, which was confirmed by the results of physicochemical and microbiological analysis.
Prof. Sivanesan Subramanian
Anna University, India

Prof. Pascal Lorenz
University of Haute Alsace, France