Methods used to determine the constituents of the fibrous fraction, a review

Anjos A.N.A, Viegas C.R., Gomes R.S., Almeida J.C.C

Article ID: 1971
Vol 3, Issue 2, 2022
VIEWS - 129 (Abstract)


The estimation of the chemical and bromatological composition of foods involves a series of studies that evaluate mainly the fiber fraction, since it presents great variability when compared to the other components. The growing number of publications on the analytical techniques available for determining the nutritional value of foods end up generalizing the use of ill-defined terms. There are several techniques for evaluating forage components, the detergent system being the most widely used, although there are more modern methods. However, the accessibility and cost of these modern methods are factors that limit their use in many laboratories. Furthermore, some of these methods are not recognized as official methods of analysis. In this context, the objectives of this review were: to highlight the most important concepts in the determination of the nutritional value of foods; to improve the use and the difficulties of interpretation of the analytical results. It was concluded that the use of analytical methods allows the estimation of the composition and the availability of the different fractions of the cell wall. But variability of the cell wall constituents requires knowledge of the different analytical methodologies available. The analytical methods, traditional or alternative, are still empirical since they present different results for the same analysis. These variations are generated most of the time by the differences between the steps of the analytical procedures. It is clear that the improvement of analytical methods is of paramount importance to estimate the nutritional value of foods.


Alternative methods; Nutritive value; Van Soest; Source of variation

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