Recent developments in analytical methods for inorganic elements in foods

Hongben Yang, Fan Yang, Zengbin Hu, Xiang Bai

Article ID: 1958
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2020
Received: 30 August 2020; Accepted: 6 October 2020; Available online: 21 October 2020; Issue release: 31 December 2020

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Inorganic elements play a crucial role in both nutrition and health safety. Analyzing these elements in food helps assess its nutritional value, prevent the consumption of toxic or harmful substances, and understand the extent of contamination to identify and control pollution sources. Additionally, it aids in the production and development of fortified foods, enhances food processing technologies, and improves overall food quality. Therefore, monitoring and detecting inorganic elements during food production is essential. This paper reviews the main methods and characteristics of inorganic element analysis in food, both domestically and internationally, highlighting trends in analytical techniques, including traditional chemical and physical methods, as well as recent advances in nanotechnology and biotechnology. It also summarizes the practical applications of these analytical methods in recent years.


inorganic elements; analysis methods; chemical methods; physical methods, nanotechnology methods; biotechnology methods


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