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Aesthetic education practice to encourage traditional culture: Reducing environmental stress and improving physiological health
Vol 39, Issue 2, 2025
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As social growth and educational concepts continue to evolve, college libraries, as hubs of cultural innovation and inheritance, play a crucial role in advancing the practice of great traditional cultural aesthetic teaching and mitigating environmental stress through the creation of psychologically comfortable cultural environments. Based on the special status and resource advantages of college libraries, this paper explores the paths and approaches these institutions take in advancing the practice of aesthetic education of excellent traditional culture by combining the connotation and characteristics of such cultures with contemporary understandings of environmental stress and physiological response. Through a study of research and case studies concentrating on the planning of cultural events, the development of collection resources, and the use of digital innovation, it suggests a workable path toward creating environments that reduce psychological stress and promote physical well-being. The goal is to give university libraries theoretical direction and useful references so they can carry out the aesthetic education of superior traditional culture in ways that positively impact users’ mental and physical health.
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Dr. Fabio Malavasi
Medical Genetics, University of Torino Medical School, Italy
Scopus (CiteScore: 2.2)