Sustainability of modern agriculture
Submission deadline: 2023-08-24
Special Issue Editors

Special Issue Information

In our journal Advances in Modern Agriculture, a special issue is calling for papers about the sustainability of modern agriculture.

Sustainable farming is a broad, overarching term for growing food using methods that nurture society, the environment and the economy. It is an alternative to mainstream industrial farming practices. Sustainable farmers seek to support community health and well-being and work with nature, while still being profitable businesses, although farms can also be run as non-profit organizations or recreational projects.

Sustainable farming is important because it plays an important role in modern agriculture and offers a solution to the problems caused by the way most of our food is grown today. Today's industrial farming methods, many stemming from the Green Revolution of the 1950s and 1960s, are depleting our natural resources through monocultures and the overuse of pesticides and fertilizers, among other practices, while leaving people with unequal access to food and nutrition around the world. Ideally, sustainable farming meets the needs of the present generation without harming the ability of future generations of their needs. To achieve sustainable farming, a lot of problems have to be solved such as how to stop crop disease, how to prevent soil erosion, how to reduce pollution and the use of chemicals, and how to make sustainable communities.

In this issue, we sincerely invite scholars to submit papers on sustainable farming. The following topics are recommended but are not limited to sustainable agriculture, objectives of sustainable farming, involving devices, involving technology, pros and cons, etc.


sustainable agriculture, objectives of sustainable farming, involving devices, involving technology, pros and cons, etc.