Cultural Heritage Tourism
Submission deadline: 2024-06-30
Special Issue Editors

Section Collection Information

Dear Colleagues,


Tourism is a way to encourage and provide access to cultural heritage, but it also brings with it challenges related to overcrowding, cultural appropriation and the loss of authenticity. Tourism means the balance between development and the protection of cultural heritage. Cultural heritage is a key element of the image and identity of the regions and cities. Culture is highly valued by both residents and visitors. Cultural heritage plays a crucial role in achieving inclusive and sustainable development and it can help to revitalize cities and regions. Culture heritage tourism where people travel to experience authentic activities, stories of the people living centuries ago, past, artifacts, food, clothing, and music.


There are many types of Cultural heritage tourism - culinary tourism, food sovereign, national and regional parks, eco-tourism, wildlife tourism, sports, games and other athletic events, museums, libraries and cultural centers, annual festivals, historic sites and commemorations, rivers, trails and conservation areas, earth lodges, longhouses, clan houses, agritourist, performing arts and storytelling. Cultural Heritage Tourism includes and economic benefits - new money into the economy, boosting businesses and tax revenues, creates new jobs, funds new businesses, events and attractions, helping diversify the local economy, supports small businesses, including artists and local guides.


Every cultural tour has a purpose and motivation. The destinations can be associated with various types of cultural heritage, such as language, religion, festivals, customs, and architecture. Nowadays generation Z is trying to transforming tourism by demanding the co-creation of transformative experiences. Cultural heritage sites as a key element of tourism destinations, should consider how to use Mixed Reality to enhance consumer experiences. According to some opinions cultural heritage sites and tourism destinations require considerable modernization to create transformative experiences.


So, research articles, reviews and studies in this area of study are welcome. We look forward to receiving your contributions.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kristina Gartsiyanova

Section Editor


Cultural Heritage Tourism; Authentic Activities; Stories of the People, Artifacts, Food, Clothing, Music, Festivals; Economic and Social Benefits; Local Economy; International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS); Mixed Reality

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