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Influence of agricultural infrastructure construction on agricultural total factor productivity
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2023
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The development of agriculture has been attracting worldwide attention. At present, in order to realize the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture and from extensive management to intensive management, the development of agricultural economy mainly depends on the improvement of factor input efficiency, optimization of the combination mode of production factors, technological progress, organization and system innovation. It means that the growth of agriculture depends on the growth of total factor productivity. This article mainly discusses the influence of rural infrastructure investment on agricultural total factor productivity, and studies the way to promote the transformation of agricultural economic growth mode through rural infrastructure investment so as to provide decision-making basis for formulating scientific rural infrastructure investment policies. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the growth of agricultural total factor productivity from the perspective of rural infrastructure investment.
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Cheng Sun
Academician of World Academy of Productivity Science; Executive Chairman, World Confederation of Productivity Science China Chapter, China