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Supporting public and technological innovations through entrepreneurship in Nigeria
Vol 2, Issue 1, 2025
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This study examines how technological and public innovations cross in Nigeria’s entrepreneurial environment, highlighting the vital role that entrepreneurship plays in fostering innovation. The goal of the study is to have a thorough grasp of how new businesses might improve technology developments and public services in the face of Nigeria’s particular socioeconomic difficulties. A comprehensive search of academic databases, such as Google Scholar, Scopus, Web Science, and JSTOR, was carried out using a systematic literature review process, with an emphasis on peer-reviewed publications, reports, and respectable conference papers published between 2018 and January 2025. Non-peer-reviewed sources and those that did not address the interaction between these domains were excluded, whereas papers that were deemed relevant to entrepreneurship and innovation in Nigeria were included. In order to find trends, obstacles, and success factors related to entrepreneurship and innovation, data extraction entailed identifying important findings, methodology, and case studies. Then, thematic analysis was conducted. According to research, a strong entrepreneurial environment can spur technological and societal improvements, which will ultimately promote sustainable development. In order to foster a climate that encourages innovation-driven entrepreneurship in Nigeria, the paper ends with practical suggestions for stakeholders, entrepreneurs, and legislators.
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