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Quality of Jingdong Express delivery service in Longyao County evaluation
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2024
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This article aims to conduct a comprehensive questionnaire survey and analysis of the current state of express delivery in Longyao, focusing on different population segments. The research evaluates the reliability, validity, and factor analysis of the questionnaire to ensure the data’s accuracy and dependability. Findings have highlighted several critical issues with JD Express in Longyao County, including untimely problem resolution, insufficient logistics feedback, package damage, and low levels of informatization in rural areas. Proposed solutions to these challenges involve enhancing employee training, implementing effective measures to minimize package damage, and optimizing distribution strategies to improve service efficiency. By addressing these areas, the quality of JD Express services can be significantly enhanced. Moreover, the evaluation reveals a complex interplay between modern logistics and the county’s economy, suggesting that both elements can either promote or hinder each other. Systematic analysis and resolution of the identified problems are essential for improving customer satisfaction, which is vital for stimulating the growth of online shopping in rural regions. This research not only provides insights into the current situation of urban express delivery in Longyao but also offers actionable recommendations for stakeholders seeking to enhance service quality and address existing gaps within the logistics framework. Ultimately, the findings underscore the importance of understanding local dynamics in order to foster more efficient and reliable express delivery services that cater to the needs of diverse populations.
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Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau