Theoretical Biochemistry
Submission deadline: 2023-10-31
Section Editors

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Dear Colleagues,

Theoretical biochemistry is a field of study that applies principles of physics, chemistry, and mathematics to understand the complex biological systems and processes at the molecular level.  It seeks to develop theoretical models and computational methods that can help predict and explain the behavior of biological molecules, such as proteins, DNA, and RNA.
One of the key areas of research in theoretical biochemistry is the study of protein structure and function.  Researchers use computational methods to predict the three-dimensional structure of proteins, which is important for understanding their function and interactions with other molecules.  This information can also be used to design new drugs that target specific proteins.
Another important area of research is the study of enzyme kinetics, which involves the study of how enzymes catalyze chemical reactions in living organisms.  Theoretical models can be used to predict the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions and to understand the factors that affect enzyme activity.
Theoretical biochemistry also plays a role in the study of gene regulation, which involves the complex network of molecular interactions that control gene expression.  Researchers use computational models to simulate gene regulatory networks and to predict how changes in gene expression can lead to disease.Overall, theoretical biochemistry is an interdisciplinary field that combines concepts from physics, chemistry, mathematics, and biology to gain a deeper understanding of the complex molecular processes that occur in living organisms.

We look forward to submissions from research in this field.

Prof. Dr. Raghu Gogada
Section Editor


Theoretical Biochemistry; Cell Strees; Physiology; Metabolomics; Protein Structure; Enzyme Kinetics; Gene Regulation; Computational Models; Drug Design; Bioinformatics; Molecular Simulations; Systems Biology.