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Incidence of renal cell carcinoma in Santiago de Cuba
Vol 4, Issue 2, 2023
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Introduction: renal parenchymal tumors account for approximately 2-3% of tumors in adults' patients and in turn the 85% of primary kidney tumors. An increased incidence of renal parenchymal tumors has been observed around the world and in Cuba in the last years. It is the most deadly cancer in the urinary tract worldwide. Objective: to identify incidence and the clinical- epidemiological and histopathological features of renal cell carcinoma in the province of Santiago de Cuba. Method: a descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted concerning renal adenocarcinoma in 88 patients from Santiago de Cuba. Period of study was from January 1, 2012 throughout January 1, 2017. The diagnosis was based on histopathological studies from patients who underwent surgery and died due to this disease. Variables studies were as follow: incidence, age, sex, risk factors, symptoms and signs, histologic type and cancer staging. Results: it was more frequent between the fifth and sixth decades of life and in males. Smoking was the main risk factor. More than 50% of cases were diagnosed incidentally and asymptomatically, although symptoms such as flank pain, hematuria, general symptoms and palpable abdominal mass appeared. Clear cell tumor was the histologic variety most affected. They were diagnosed mainly in stage T3a. Conclusions: family physicians, clinicians, urologists and radiologists are involved in the diagnosis of renal carcinoma, so it is important to be aware of this illness since it can present in the most unsuspected way.
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