Community acquired urinary tract infection

David Zarnowski Varela, Andrea Salazar Santizo, Andrés Zarnowski Gutiérrez

Article ID: 2085
Vol 2, Issue 2, 2021

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Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common infectious diseases, which causes huge economic losses all over the world every year. The term ITU includes the pathology of different anatomical regions: urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis and prostatitis; Cystitis is the most common, usually manifested as dysuria, frequent urination and urgency. ITU includes a wide range of clinical manifestations, from simple colonization to septic shock. Intestinal bacteria are the main pathogens causing UTI, among which Escherichia coli is the main pathogen. It is the second largest cause of bacterial infection in the community after respiratory tract infection; The incidence increases with age and gender.  For other healthy, sexually active, non pregnant female patients, these forms can be divided into non complex forms; Complications occur in patients with certain risk factors, such as structural or functional urinary tract abnormalities, basic diseases or special populations, such as pregnant women and children. The diagnosis is mainly based on clinic and urine examination is carried out as needed. In most cases, treatment is empirical and outpatient antibiotic treatment.


Urinary tract infection cystitis; Pyelonephritis; E. Coli.


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