Morphometric analysis of the glomerular basement membrane withminimal change disease

Yali Ren, Jin Xu, Ming Cheng, Jing Zhou, Chenshi Huang, Lijun Chai

Article ID: 2026
Vol 2, Issue 1, 2021

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Objective To investigate the thickness of glomerular basement membrane (GBM) in patients withminimal change disease (MCD). Methods Select MCD patients aged 41 to 50 years without hema-turia, hypertension, diabetes, or hereditary kidney disease, and initially treated. Renal biopsy specimens were fixed as routine, embedded ultrathin sectioned, and observed under transmission electron microscope. For each sample, we took 10 to 15 photos according to the principle of equidistant curve movement. Test lines were randomly set. The vertical lines through the points where the test lines intersect with the podocyte side of GBM were made. The distance between the inner and outer intersections of the basement membrane was the section width of the GBM which represents the thickness of the GBM. Results The thickness of the GBM for 30 samples was 314.21±42.22 (256.97~393.51) nm, among which male was 360.30±47.0 (256.97~452.43) nm and female was 314.21±42.22 (256.97 ~393.51) nm. There was significant difference between the two groups (P = 0.009). The correlation be-tween GBM thickness and age was not significant. Conclusions The thickness of the GBM in newly diag-nosed MCD patients aged 41 to 50 years is constant, thicker in males than in females.


Electron microscopy; Glomerular basement membrane; Stereology; Minimal change disease


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Copyright (c) 2021 Yali Ren, Jin Xu, Ming Cheng, Jing Zhou, Chenshi Huang, Lijun Chai

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