Identification of space-occupying lesions in medical imaging of the kidney: A review.

Frank Saenz, Miguel Vera, Raúl Rodríguez

Article ID: 2023
Vol 2, Issue 1, 2021

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Usually, the kidneys can be affected by renal masses or space-occupying lesions (LOE). When reference is made to the term renal mass, all benign and malignant processes that occupy, distort and affect the renal parenchyma and its environment are included, regardless of etiology, shape and volume. Therefore, renal masses include all cystic formations (abscesses), calculi, pseudotumors, neoplasms, inflammatory diseases and traumatic lesions. Thus, for the evaluation of cystic renal masses in medical imaging, according to their characteristics such as their wall (thin, irregular, thickened), septa (thin, irregular, thickened), borders (defined or not) and size, classifications such as Bosniak's classification shown in Table 1 are used, which classifies renal cysts into five categories based on the appearance of the image, to help predict whether it is a benign or malignant tumor.


kidney, renal tumor, medical imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, computed tomography


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