Editorial for Smart Tourism (Volume 4, Issue 1)

Mohammad Shahidul Islam

Article ID: 2637
Vol 4, Issue 1, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54517/st.v4i1.2637
VIEWS - 71 (Abstract)



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1. Barros JASS, Oliveira SD, Perinotto AR, Cembranel P. Google Trends platform: An analysis of the search for accommodation in Meruoca/Ceará-Brazil and its importance for digital marketing. Smart Tourism 2023; 4(1): 2188. doi: 10.54517/st.v4i1.2188

2. Roy BK, Pagaldiviti SR. Advancements in arena technology: Enhancing customer experience and employee adaptation in the tourism and hospitality industry. Smart Tourism 2023; 4(1): 2330. doi: 10.54517/st.v4i1.2330

3. Zatsepina N. Trends and factors in developing world tourism in the post-pandemic period. Smart Tourism 2023; 4(1): 2338. doi: 10.54517/st.v4i1.2338

4. Nur AC, Koliopoulos T, Niswaty R, Akib H. The importance of the government’s role in sustainable development in rural areas. Smart Tourism 2023; 4(1): 2253. doi: 10.54517/st.v4i1.2253


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