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García-Hernández, José Luís, Faculty of Agriculture and Zootechnics, Juárez University of the State of Durango (Mexico)
García–Herrera, Darwin Gabriel, Universidad Católica de Cuenca (Ecuador)
Garett, Renee, ElevateU, Irvine (United States)
Gasca Moreno, Claudia Teresa, Department of Social Studies, University of Guanajuat (Mexico)
Gassara, Fatma, Infectious Diseases Department, Hedi Chaker University Hospital, University of Sfax (Tunisia)
Gaur, Anshu, Department of Electronics and Communication, CTAE, MPUAT (India)
Gautschi-Mills, Katherine, School of Human and Community Development, University of the Witwatersrand
Gazder, Uneb, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bahrain (Bahrain)
Gazis, Alexandros, <p>School of Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace</p> (Greece)
Gómez, Andrés, ESIC Business & Marketing School, ESIC University (Spain)
Gómez, Nora, División Laboratorio Central, Hospital General de Agudos Cosme Argerich, Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Gómez Cano, Carlos Alberto, Universidad de la Amazonia, Florencia 180001, Caquetá Colombia. (Colombia)
Gómez-Zuleta, Martín Alonso, National University Hospital (Colombia)
Günal, Ahmet Murat, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Istanbul Okan University (Turkey)
Ge, Mengyuan, School of Informatics, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China. (China)
Ge, Yicheng, Faculty of Traffic Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology; Yunnan Integrated Transport Development and Regional Logistics Management Think Tank (China)
Ge, Zhiru, Department of Cardiology, Shanghai Gongli Hospital (China)
Geleta, Tesfaye Dessu, Ethiopian Meteorological Institute (Ethiopia)
Gema Cecilia, Manuel-Jacobo, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes (Mexico)
Geng, Jishen, Institute of Agricultural Information and Economy, Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences (China)
Genov, Nikolai, Free University Berlin (Germany)
George Reyes, Carlos Enrique, Escuela de Humanidades y Educación. Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Mexico)
Geraldo, Reinaldo Barros, Laboratório de Antibióticos, Bioquímica, Ensino e Modelagem Molecular, Universidade Federal Flumi-nense (Brazil)
Gerontopoulou, Vasiliki, Onassis Library, Onassis Foundation (Greece)
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