Research on people’s willingness to pay for the construction of Quanzhou ecological civilization city based on CVM

Ling Tong, Hongbo Li

Article ID: 1860
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2022
VIEWS - 76 (Abstract)


The city of Quanzhou was investigated by CVM and a logistic model. The results show that the average willingness to pay is RMB 110.7/year. Six factors, including the length of registered residence, the length of residence, the income of the residents, the degree of understanding of the construction of Quanzhou’s ecological civilization city, and the influence of the public on the ecological civilization’s influence on their own lives, have a significant impact on the willingness to pay. Gender, age, and occupation have little effect on willingness to pay.


ecological civilization city; conditional valuation method; logistic model; Quanzhou; willingness to pay

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